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Autocillin Ikhlas is based auto insurance products to promote sharia 2 advantages, namely:
Flexibility in choosing the amount of premiums paid for Comprehensive protection or Total Loss Only
Getting to the results for 1 year if the period of insurance claims do not occur.
Protection (Coverage)
The following is a kind of protection (coverage) found on products Autocillin Ikhlas:
Comprehensive (Comprehensive / All Risk) Insurance compensation / repair costs for loss / damage in part or whole of the vehicle due to falling objects, fire, evil deeds, theft, robbery, crash, collision or other traffic accidents. (refer to PSAKBI). (Age Max. 8 years)
Total Loss Only (TLO) Insurance compensation for loss / damage to the vehicle a total result of falling objects, fire, evil deeds, theft, robbery, crash, collision or other traffic accidents. (refer to PSAKBI) (Age Max. 15 years)
Extended Protection (Extention Coverage)
With the additional premium, you can add extensions of protection below:
Assurance Indemnification Parties to Three (Third Party Liability / TPL)
Guarantee compensation for third party claims, which are caused by accidents on the insured vehicle.
Accident (Personal Accident / PA)
Guarantee agencies resulting in injury permanent disability / death of the driver and passenger in a vehicle insured in the event of an accident.
Medical Costs (Medical Expense / Medex)
Guarantee against the driver's medical expenses and / or passenger in a vehicle in the event of an accident yangdipertanggungkan.
Flood & Wind Cyclone (Flood & Winstorm)
Indemnity guarantee or repair costs of damage to vehicles caused by hurricanes, storms, hail, floods, and puddles of water.
Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcano Eruption (Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcanic Eruption)
Indemnity guarantee or repair costs of damage to vehicles caused by earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions.
Strikes, riots, and Makar (Strike, Riot, and Civil commotion / SRCCTS)
Indemnity guarantee or repair costs of damage to vehicles caused by riots, strikes, work retardation, tawuran, civil commotion, the generation of the people, revolution, rebellion, terrorism or sabotage.
Given product features Ikhlas equals Autocillin Autocillin Features Classic with added two features below:
Premium Ikhlas
Flexibility for you to pay a premium seikhlasnya accordance with applicable regulations.
Seikhlasnya premium payments (customers can choose to pay a premium of 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 100% of the premium should be paid).
Differences willing to pay premiums by 60% to 100% there is great risk that is borne by their own customers for each event.


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